Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Indoor Street Art by Paul Baines

Indoor Street Art by Paul Baines

Woolly Brains

Posted: 24 May 2011 06:11 AM PDT

Brain in a Jar by Your Organ Grinder

Brain Freeze Brain in a Jar by Your Organ Grinder Colon in a Jar Kidneys in a Jar Knee Joint Larynx Brooch Lungs in a Jar Ovary Necklace Purple Brain Testicles in a Jar Tooth Plush Uterus in a Jar Brain-in-a-Jar-2

I don't really go in for "soft art" asides the yarn bombing craze, if I received anything woollen as a kid at Christmas… well you can imagine the face. However, Your Organ Grinder, a female artist based in Brisbane has opened my eyes to a whole new world of knitted possibilities. Check out her amazing anatomical wool, felt and fleece works including a brain in a jar, a pair of kidneys, large intestines, lungs, liver, you get the gruesome picture. Yes there's even a pair of severed testicles in a jar – ouch. I can't seem to find out the real identity of YOG however I can imagine her anonymity might be a precaution against an ear bashing from the traditionalists. "Why don't you just knit some nice baby clothes dear?".

All of her work is available for sale at Etsy, you can also read her blog and keep up with her Tweets too. One thing, there does seem to be a big yarn bombing scene in Brisbane, any connection YOG? Come the revolution, it will be knitted.

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