Friday, May 6, 2011

Indoor Street Art by Paul Baines

Indoor Street Art by Paul Baines

If Life Was A Bond Movie – Caleb Brown

Posted: 06 May 2011 05:55 AM PDT

Shark Drop 1 by Caleb Brown

Whatever your taste in art you have to admit NY artist Caleb Brown's paintings are damn exciting. I wouldn't want to live it for real, but I can just imagine this highly accomplished painter waking up everyday with visions of explosions and flying sharks rolling around his mind. For a more serious and in depth view here's the artist's statement…

"My paintings are cultural allegories that aim to reflect my view of the modern world. My conceptual process begins by selecting themes and elements of contemporary life (such as media culture, genetic engineering, globalization, etc.) which seem important and interesting to me. I then combine and expand those components into completely ridiculous scenes that depict a fictitious near-future or alternate reality."

There's plenty more of that, but to be honest I think his work speaks for itself, Magic Realism meets gun-ho boys' own war comic nostalgia, spawn in an age of sceptics and health and safety jobsworths. 

Keep on rocking Caleb, superb stuff mate.

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