Monday, April 18, 2011

Indoor Street Art by Paul Baines

Indoor Street Art by Paul Baines

MOCA Protest Photos

Posted: 18 Apr 2011 03:14 AM PDT

Photo by Unurth.

We (almost) all know last year's story about Jeffrey Deitch, the director of Los Angeles' MOCA and his insistence on almost immediately ordering the whitewashing of French artist Blu's mural from their walls, even though his museum had commissioned it. It was supposed to mark part of their Art on the Streets exhibition, however due to the anti-imperialist nature of the piece, poor old Jeffrey panicked, not enough to resign mind you. If anyone should lose their job, this guy should be at the front of the queue.

There's a great piece on the whole debacle at Unurth if you want to know more including an interview with the rather flabbergasted artist in question. If you're already up to scratch then check out the video and  photos of the opening of "Art in the Streets" and the ensuing protests courtesy of LA RAW.


Censorship's bad m'kay.

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