Sunday, April 17, 2011

Indoor Street Art by Paul Baines

Indoor Street Art by Paul Baines

Free Ai Weiwei

Posted: 17 Apr 2011 03:50 AM PDT

Today is the day to let your voice be heard, protesters are currently staging sit-in to protests against the detention of the internationally renowned Chinese artist Ai Weiwei at the doors of Chinese Embassies around the world. Ai was taken into custody by Chinese authorities a few weeks ago (his tweets stopped on April 3rd) for what government officials now say are questions about his finances. Supporters around the world are invited to participate in the 1001 Chairs for Ai Weiwei, by bringing a chair and gathering outside Chinese embassies and consulates to sit peacefully in support of the artist's immediate release. The sit-in begins at 1pm. If you are near or can get to a Chinese Embassy I urge you, if only for a moment to sit or stand in solidarity for the artist.

Artist and activist Ai Weiwei is an internationally regarded figure who has fought for artistic freedom and for freedom of speech throughout his distinguished career, envisioning and shaping a more just and equitable society through his work. He has been missing since his arrest on April 3rd in Beijing.The protest reflects the spirit of his work, 1001 Chairs for Ai Weiwei calls for his immediate release, supporting the right of artists to speak and work freely in China and around the world.
If you can't then help enable the release of this highly influential and regarded artist by adding a button or creating your own and uploading it to your blog or website. Who knows if enough of us do it maybe someone with the power over the fate of Weiwei's future, any public pressure, of any form, can only help right now.
Free Wei Wei
Copy the following code and embed on your blog:
<img src="">

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